Origin Story

The Garden Up Store started as a small offshoot of Garden Up and found immense success in early trials. Our niche of ecofriendly gardening supplies, accessories, and products has helped us reach where we are today.
While Ekta, our founder, was developing Garden Up, she came across a gaping hole in the commercial gardening market. There was no one place where an environmentally conscious gardener could go looking for supplies and inspiration. There had to be at least one store where she didn’t need to worry about where products were manufactured, what materials they were made with, false advertising, a limited catalog and all the other troubles an urban gardener faces every day. But there was no such place.
Taking matters into her own hands, Ekta trialed a little store where someone like her could go shopping for all her gardening needs. In the span of a few months, this little experiment soared. Thus was born the Garden Up Store.
Since 2019, Ekta has been using her vast and highly curated network of artisans and gardening supplies manufacturers to keep the Store well-stocked, updated, and always improving.
Did you know that Garden Up was founded in a small hostel room in the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore? Head on over to 'Story' to read about this fascinating little origin story!